Palestinian Mukarkameh

 Makes 15-20 pieces


120ml warm water

2tsp sugar

¾ tsp instant yeast

165g all-purpose flour

170g fine semolina

½tsp baking powder

¼tsp salt

2tsp ground anise

2tsp ground fennel

2tsp fennel seeds

2tsp anise seeds

1tsp turmeric

2½ tbsp toasted sesame

1½ tbsp nigella seed

45ml olive oil

45ml vegetable oil

*You might need an additional quarter cup of warm water

1 tray, about 30 cm diameter

1tbsp tahini


For the syrup:

1 cup white sugar

¾ cup water

A squeeze of lemon


This is how to make it

First make the syrup. boil the water with sugar and add a squeeze of lemon. set aside.

Grease a 30cm wide oven tray with 1 tbsp tahini and set aside.

Mix sugar, warm water and yeast and leave aside. Mix all the dry ingredients. Add oils and mix well. add yeast mixture and mix gently, trying not to over mix.

Spread the dough in patches to cover the prepared tray bottom. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave to prove for one hour.

Cut the cake into any shape you like and bake into preheated oven 180C F for about 15 minutes. pour the cooled syrup on and leave to cool down for 5-10 minutes before serving. 

